Obligation to Apply ISPM 15 in Turkey

Turkey started to provide treatment and marking authorization on the same date with the publishing of “Regulation on Marking of Wooden Packaging Materials related to Phytosanitary Measures” published in the Official Gazette No 25452 dd. May 04, 2004; however, the obligation of ISPM 15 standard in imports was postponed until January 01, 2006, with an amendment published in the Official Gazette No 25686 dd. December 30, 2004.

It is started to be applied after 01/01/2006. As Turkey shall require ISPM15 compliance for imports after 01.01.2006, our importers are to warn their counterparts if wood packaging materials (e.g. pallet, case, wedge etc.) are used in packing of the goods to be imported.

We as BİYOSFER Ilaclama (Pest Control) provide fumigation services in accordance with the international standards and the regulations of our company. We are at your service in all export and import transactions with our expert personnel and qualified equipment/ tools, on 7/24 basis. You may access to all regulations and current information related to fumigation at our website at: www.BİYOSFERilaclama.com.

Please CLICK to review Agricultural Quarantine Fumigation Regulations

published by TR Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock.

Please CLICK to see the Regulation on Thermal Treatment and Marking of Wooden Packaging Materials.